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Statamic vs. WordPress (and why the first one wins)

The Features

Comparing any CMS to WordPress on a feature-by-feature basis can feel like a futile exercise. With an extensive library of plugins available, WordPress boasts a solution for almost every conceivable need. However, it’s more insightful to examine how these features are integrated and supported.

Statamic’s core features are crafted to meet the needs of most websites without relying on plugins. From custom fields and collections (content types) to forms, search, navigation builder, live preview, user management, real-time collaboration, and taxonomies, Statamic’s features are seamlessly integrated and maintained by a single, cohesive team.

Statamic embraces a “building block” approach, constructing complex features from smaller, simpler components. Take Bard, the block-based editor, for instance. Bard allows you to create your blocks from any existing field types, eliminating the need for custom React and JavaScript programming. Within minutes, you can build and manage any data structure using a familiar UI, without having to reinvent the wheel.

This approach not only simplifies the development process but also ensures that all components work harmoniously together, providing a smoother and more reliable experience for users. Instead of juggling numerous plugins from various developers, each with its own quirks and potential compatibility issues, Statamic offers a unified, streamlined solution that just works.

The Flat File System of Statamic

One of the defining features of Statamic is its flat file system, which sets it apart from traditional database-driven CMS platforms like WordPress.

In a flat file system, all content and configuration are stored in simple text files (such as Markdown, YAML, or JSON) rather than in a relational database. These files are organized in a hierarchical directory structure, making them easy to navigate and manage.

Without the need to query a database, flat file systems can be significantly faster. The server simply reads the content directly from the files, which can result in quicker load times and more efficient resource usage. Since content is read from files, static caching mechanisms can be more straightforward and effective, enhancing overall site performance.

With no database to install or manage, setting up Statamic is simpler and less error-prone. Backup and restoration are also easier, as they involve just copying files. The absence of a database layer also reduces potential points of failure and simplifies debugging and troubleshooting.

Flat files work seamlessly with version control systems like Git. Every change to the content, configuration, or templates can be tracked, versioned, and reverted if necessary. This is particularly beneficial for collaborative environments and staging workflows. With version control, you have a complete history of changes, allowing you to track edits and easily roll back to previous versions if needed.

Talking about security - without a database, common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection attacks are eliminated. This can make your site inherently more secure (more on that later).

Custom Functionality

One of the significant challenges with WordPress lies in how to implement custom functionality. Creating a plugin often means contending with WordPress’s legacy architecture, making it difficult to leverage the latest advancements in PHP development.

Alternatively, building a separate application using a modern framework like Laravel necessitates integrating this application with your WordPress site. This approach introduces technical debt and adds complexity, often leading to frustration among developers.

Statamic, however, is built as an installable package for Laravel—the premier PHP framework and the most popular backend framework on GitHub. This integration grants you full access to Laravel’s powerful features, enabling you to build anything you want in whatever way you desire. It also connects you with the expansive and welcoming Laravel community, known for its robust support and resources.

In essence, WordPress is geared towards blogs and simpler informational sites, while Statamic is crafted for creating and managing custom websites. Custom functionality in WordPress can quickly become convoluted, whereas Statamic, with its Laravel foundation, excels in this area by tapping into the entire Laravel ecosystem.

And then, there’s Security

A staggering 94% of websites that are hacked are running WordPress, making it the most targeted and vulnerable CMS on the market.

Without a dedicated developer to keep your site updated, your WordPress site is highly susceptible to attacks. The costs associated with emergency developer support to recover or restore your site can be substantial, not to mention the potential loss of business from an exploited site or data breach.

Here are 3 reasons why Statamic is more secure than WordPress:

1. No SQL Injection Vulnerability: Most website hacks are executed through SQL injection attacks. Statamic, by default, doesn’t use a database, thereby eliminating the risk of such automated attacks. This inherently reduces the attack surface for hackers.

2. Unified, High-Quality Development: Statamic’s core features are maintained by a single development team, providing all the essential functionalities most websites need. This obviates the need for numerous plugins from various authors, which can be a major vulnerability in WordPress. The streamlined approach ensures higher quality and better security.

3. Built on Laravel: Statamic is built on Laravel, which is widely regarded as the most secure and well-maintained PHP framework today. In contrast, WordPress often feels like new wine in an old wineskin, struggling to modernize its underlying architecture while maintaining backward compatibility.


While WordPress is a powerful and widely-used CMS, Statamic offers several advantages, particularly in terms of performance, security, and user experience. Its flat file architecture, modern development practices, and streamlined maintenance make it an attractive alternative for developers and businesses looking for a robust, easy-to-use CMS.

As you may have recognized while reading this post, we at Dotbite love to work on Statamic (and Laravel). Higher security standards is a main reason, since high quality outputs are a must for us.

Let’s try Statamic for your company too

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