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A guide for what it takes do define the core features of your MVP.

Defining the core features of your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is crucial for launching a successful product while conserving resources.
By following this guide, you can effectively lay a solid foundation for future growth and development.

In this Free Guide, you'll learn:

  • What an MVP is and how to define the scope of such.

  • How to define the core feature and how to test it properly.

  • What happens after the MVP? Scaling and 2 great examples.

What you are about to learn in this bite

Definition of an MVP 2
How to scope your MVP 3
Defining the right features 4
Testing done right 5
The life after an MVP 6
Examples of great MVPs 7
Embracing innovation - Emir

If you want to talk about an idea, how to start an innovation project within your organization and how to execute it - we are here to help and support you. You can count on us.

Emir Selimovic, CEO and Co-Founder of Dotbite

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