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A guide for startup founders to validate their idea

As a startup founder you want to make sure you're building a product your customers and users really need. So validating your idea properly is key. In this free guide you'll learn the most important steps to easily validate if the market is really needing your solution.

In this Free Guide, you'll learn:

  • Defining your target group and researching your competition.

  • Building an MVP and testing to get valuable user feedback.

  • Measuring, validating and iterating to product market fit.

What you are about to learn in this bite

Importance of the right approach 2
Define your target group 3
Research your competition 4
Build an MVP and test it 5
Measure, validate and iterate 6
Embracing innovation - Emir

If you want to talk about an idea, how to start an innovation project within your organization and how to execute it - we are here to help and support you. You can count on us.

Emir Selimovic, CEO and Co-Founder of Dotbite

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